Working predominantly in ceramics and drawing, my low relief disks fuse the two, while functional works represent simple utilitarian forms.
Check out the NEWS page for new series works in progress!
Join me at Florida State University the first week of March where I’ll be speaking to or demoing. All Over the Map is on exhibit the month of March with special programming each week by the Museum Objects class. Check out the NEWS page for more information.
Above is Big Bertha or more formally Southernisms. She will be part of the Mission Clay Arts and Industry permanent collection. I would LOVE to return to create public art for parks, college campuses, museums, etc. Public art builds civic pride. Please visit my portfolio page of disks and functional works to see more southern-centric imagery. Below are disks (low relief tondo wall hangings mounted on wood) representing my ongoing series about places I've been (recently used for my 2021 residency public art piece made at Mission Clay Building Products for their Art and Industry program). Please visit my portfolio page on disks to see more. With my wanderlust, I will always find a way to travel, explore, and feed my curiosity.
For the most current news, follow me on Instagram @cfordart .
For the most current news, follow me on Instagram @cfordart .
Link to Mission Clay Art & Industry program is being updated. Thanks for your patience! I promise we don’t have anything to do with online gaming! I’d rather be at a casino if I’m going to lose money 🤓. Thanks to the FSU kids for notifying me of the bad link.